Most developers will be accustomed to configuring their app using the Developer Dashboard. However, Highlight also has support for an advanced app configuration file. This file is read when your app is selected in the floating window interface.

Use Cases

  • Return JSON instead of a suggestions prompt. Thus, you can return hard coded suggestion responses or use a dynamic response.
  • Use a POST request instead of GET that includes the context variables as part of the request body.


Highlight looks for a .well-known/highlight-app at the root of your app’s entry point specified in the developers dashboard. If you entry point is, then Highlight will look for

This URL (.well-known/highlight-app) must return a valid app manifest. Currently, that schema is:

    "schema_version": "v1",
    "suggestions_prompt_http_method": "GET",
    "suggestions_prompt_url": "",
    "suggestions_prompt_type": "prompt"
schema_versionThe schema version of the manifest.v1
suggestions_prompt_http_methodThe HTTP method to use for the suggestions prompt.GET or POST
suggestions_prompt_urlThe URL to use for the suggestions prompt.Any valid URL
suggestions_prompt_typeThe type of suggestions prompt to use.prompt or json

If the suggestions_prompt_type is prompt, then the suggestions_prompt_url will be used as the URL for the suggestions prompt.

If the suggestions_prompt_type is json, then the suggestions_prompt_url will be used as the URL for the suggestions prompt and the expected response is a JSON array of “suggestion” strings.